
Usage Patterns


  • Cotton components should be placed in the templates/cotton folder ('cotton' path is configurable using COTTON_DIR).
  • The templates folder can be located in either an app-level or top-level project root folder.


Cotton uses the following naming conventions:

  • By default, component file names are in snake_case (my_component.html).
  • kebab-case filenames (my-component.html) can be enabled with COTTON_SNAKE_CASED_NAMES = False see configuration.
  • Components are included in templates using kebab-case name of the component: <c-my-component />


  • Components in subfolders can be called using dot notation to represent folder levels.
  • A component in sidebar/menu/link.html would be included with < />

The index.html component

When your component has sub-components, you can define the default component of a folder by adding an index.html. This helps to keep your project structure tidy and reduce additional code in the template.

Project structure
├── cotton/
│   ├── card/
│   │   ├── index.html
│   │   ├── header.html

Tag Style

  • Components can either be self-closing <c-my-component /> or have a closing tag <c-my-component></c-my-component>