
Setting up Cotton with Django Template Partials

Both packages come with an auto-setup feature, but to get the packages working together we need to opt instead for the corresponding 'SimpleAppConfig' from each package:


This means we need to modify the TEMPLATES block ourselves to add the loaders and tags we need for each package. The loaders should be applied in a specific way so the packages work together, whilst still benefiting from Django's cached loader system.

        "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates",
        "DIRS": [BASE_DIR / "templates"],
        "OPTIONS": {
            "loaders": [
            "context_processors": [
                # no changes
            "builtins": [
Because we're specifying loaders manually, Django prevents us from using the APPS_DIRS setting. This means we need to specify the path to the templates directory(s) manually.